BCCI Chief Administrative Officer Ratnakar Shetty said Malcolm Speed's comments are 'highly disappointing, if not outrageous'.
The Tamil film starring Karthi, is an adrenaline rush from start to finish. It has its faults, but manages to work.
India must sit tight and not succumb to pressure tactics. After the relative peace that Kashmir has got used to, let there be a dose of unrest for the Kashmiri to come to his collective senses.
G20's success will hinge on outcome of follow-up measures
Many have faith in Lord Padmanabha, many have adored Sree Chithira Tirunal, but no one else has felt the divine presence more intensely, no one else has known Sree Chthira Tirunal more closely. The book, therefore, presents the most intimate portrait of Sree Chithira Tirunal and the divine hand that guided him
A list of English errors that are so common, they're hardly even noticed!
Low fare air tickets and Air Deccan were synonymous for a while before the low cost bug bit the other airlines in India. Then the low cost carrier decided to not just offer low fares, but also went on to add destinations to the aviation map.
'India has always maintained that most of the money the US sends to Pakistan is used to bolster Pakistan's defences along the Indian border. This got conclusive proof when then Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf admitted that Islamabad has indeed been using aid money from the US on its eastern border.'
In a bid to bail itself out, the Tamil film industry and cable operators will float a television channel airing new Tamil films and songs.
Father's Day is really a bit of a stretch in terms of a day of celebration, but, especially in our mother-worshipping motherland, dads take what they can get. So I decided this week's column ought be a look at how our cinema usually says papa.
In a fashion, his political life may yet be only beginning. Seared by the anguish of the past week's hellish experience, he may henceforth see things and India's political culture in a new, mature perspective. His 'homecoming' may have become complete.
'While our politicians get voted out, the industrialist grows from strength to strength irrespective of government shifts till one day he controls the entire political structure... That is the real story of India today.'
In an hour-long chat on rediff.com on Monday, Ganesh Natarajan, chairman of National Association of Software and Service Companies, replied to many queries on the Satyam scam.
"In the current, weak-Dollar situation," says German economist Peter Bofinger in an interview with Der Spiegel, "a treaty should be signed by the central banks of China, South Korea, Japan, Russia and other countries that have huge Dollar reserves...so that they don't dump massive amounts of dollar onto the market.
A new academy is to be constructed in Bangalore, BCCI chief Jagmohan Dalmiya said.